The Global threat of climate change and the role that Data plays
Climate change has by wide concensus been recognised as a viable threat to our core environments globally, though if you have been following Australia’s official stance on the global market you would be forgiven for thinking otherwise.
The media attention on Australia’s emissions reduction targets of late, has drawn focus to emerging threats from both natural phenomena such as floods, fires and droughts, to human created challenges on an increasingly tech focused planet.
Below we will examine the role of Data and Data Centres, in particular in curbing the carbon footprint that emerging online technologies play.
The role of Data Centres as pioneer’s in the war on Global Warming
Environmental sustainability has become an undeniable business imperative, and data centres are in a unique position to shape and lead the way for the tech industry.
With increased pressure from global warming and growing carbon emissions on our planet, finding a greener, more sustainable solution has never been more important.
Reset Data is born from a desire to change the way the tech world stores and shares data. Now more prevailant than ever before, a data centre is no longer just housing for simple servers, but is also home to complicated infrastructures that provide the basis for almost all business structures and certainly all IT related services.
Storing Data is necessary in all aspects of our functioning society, from our banking to our workplace to our social use of services like Facebook and Netflix. As demand increases we must now turn to more sustainable centres that respect and serve our global environments, whilst also being cost effective and efficient enough to meet consumer demands
Australia as a Global player
Over 37 billion litres of water are used each year to cool Australia’s various data centres with existing
Technology. They also emit over 8.3million tonnes of CO2, leading to multiple environmental hazards that leave a lasting impact on our global environment. Removing the politics and getting on with the business of tackling our environmental footprint has never been more important. Not a small challenge, but certainly one that Reset Data is confronting head on
The Alternative
Reset Data centres use zero wastewater and emit 70% less CO2 by using two key revolutionary technologies: Submer immersion cooling and Bloom Energy Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC).
Benefits of Submer’s Immersion Cooling
Immersion cooling is the process of submerging servers in a thermally conductive liquid, which allows for higher heat transfer in a more sustainable alternative to air cooling. The amazing consequence is that Submer’s immersion cooling is 95% more efficient than traditional technologies.
So where does SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cells) fit into the picture?
SOFC convert fuel into electricity through an electrochemical process without combustion at high efficiency. The result is reduced CO2 emissions, 50% less than coal fired plant and 37% less than gas or diesel generation. With the use of biogas or pure hydrogen, they emit zero CO2.
As early adopters of this revolutionary technology and the first in Australia with Submer Immersion Cooling and Bloom Energy SOFC, Co-founders of Reset Data Bass Salah and Marcel Zalloua are hoping to not only bring Australian attention to global trends of data centre sustainability, but to also offer a cost effective solution.
Addressing the costs
A key barrier to addressing climate change has often been the cost to business, and the tech industry in particular is not immune to these challenges. Reset Data is drawing from global experience to address this challenge for Data Centre demand. By having one of the highest density, highest performing data centre facilities available to the market, these services are able to sell for a gauranteed 10% less than market price simultaneously addressing both the environmental challenges and cost objectives.
Where to from here?
The future is bright. By creating Smarter Data Centres we are addressing the needs of companies, consumers, and the planet. With the introduction of emerging technologies we are able to deliver more. More data speed, more (higher) processing and more savings to both your business and to our planet.
Join our data revolution and connect with our team to learn more.